No money in the world can buy friends like this :wub:Originally posted by PADDY
We descided to give you the 12 gun salute
but more than 12 guns were used :lol:
good luck Johnny and Br4ndin, sad to hear you guys are leaving
This is a discussion on MrPayne> SOLD :) quiting post within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Originally posted by PADDY
We descided to give you the 12 gun salute
but more than 12 guns were used ...
Page: 2
No money in the world can buy friends like this :wub:Originally posted by PADDY
We descided to give you the 12 gun salute
but more than 12 guns were used :lol:
good luck Johnny and Br4ndin, sad to hear you guys are leaving
bb mrpayne : (
BB GL in RL baba :'( will miss the exp parties in eslant and the bull shiting convo's :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
its sad to see you go, a good player , but more importaintly a good person. Good luck in life.
As yoni and guy quit im gonna quit along with them and say good bye to all
the friends i ever made in this game .
This game is all about team work and mostly is about having fun :P
i sure have a long story to tell about my time in KO but lets leave it for another time :lol:
i wanna thank some guys who played along with me and helped me a lot :wub:
Kotte-We did relize that when we work together we can make a hell lot of a team![]()
Johnny,Tomer,Guy,Lozerbin,Dovino- real life friends that i played with :wub: :wub:
Zamerith- best niggah i have ever met :lol: :lol: :wub:
and the list goes on...
i wish you all a great time and thank you for all i had
//Ori :wub:
one of the best sins ive ever met <3, good gun player and awsome of the few people who deserves the highest praises in this game
<3 ya man
good luck![]()
BB m8 dont realy know you but i know Brandin whos a nice guy, good luck in the future.
For those who don't know me, I'm Guy and I played Akabubu and MrsPayne with Johnny and Brandin, the greatest guys ever :wub: I lost interest in KE and it's time for me to quit too![]()
I had great fun playing this game and being part of The Payne Family but it's just not the same now..
I wanna thank all the great people I met while playing this game and all my real life friends, you're too many to be written here, but too important not to be mentioned :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
So bye bye and have fun, thanks for all the wonderful moments i had..![]()
Peace Out.
I want my account back. :P
gl in rl ^___________^
shouldnt sell ur acct :S
so u can come back later ^^
anyway gl
damn that sucks. hate to see ya go =(. u actually listened to me and let my mage in vanquish even though it sucked. Good luck in real life. hope u live a good one. BB :wub:
gl guys ad nice moment but seems like these will stop![]()
GL in rl johnny and bradin <3 you guys
Cya m8, been fun playing with u these past few months.
gl irl