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My little CZ exp. quest.......

This is a discussion on My little CZ exp. quest....... within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; rofl...95% of us have played this game and understand this game more than you. We have seen this company in ...
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  1. #31


    rofl...95% of us have played this game and understand this game more than you. We have seen this company in action and know what they are capable of. You are the one complaining about people bug abusing when you were caught with a 50+ char in dlw? I dont care how many NP you made in that DLW and dont tell me you didnt know what was happening. Stop whining about something none of us (especially you) can do. Do you think we didnt report the bugs? DO you really think K2 doesnt know what kind of bug this game has? How many threads have to be made about the same bug over and over again.

  2. #32
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Originally posted by Mental_Anguish
    Sorry for the typo, Alabama is in the top 5 states for illiteracy. New York-------- If you want to live in a sardine can, its up to you, this is America. *
    Do they still have schools there? Or just a lot of crime and drugs. New York City was the murder capital of the country a few years back. Either way, live where you want.

    *Again, more people NOT READING, evenson must be from Alabama too. I have a right to voice displeasure over game gliches, and that what I did. *

    *I dont know wtf is wrong with some of you people. What makes me sad is that some of you ACCEPT the way the game is, gliches, cheats, etc. That is why they won't do anything about anything.

    Haha, and BFD, don't get me started, Mr. ass stabber. I only run with 1 duffer, and its party duffer, whoever she "z" targets. Why does it matter anyway, with your "never lagging" computer, while everyone else lags trying to catch you, lol. (or speed gliching) not cheating, because no one does that(/sarcasm). Remember, duffed or not, it is always you running away, even on your new gay steed. But thats the way you play, your business.
    lol.. shows how stupid u really are. recently new york was one of the top 5 safest states in america. gottta love good gov't.
    and there u go again. calling BFD a cheater because he's better than u. just cause ur a bum and cant afford a good internet connection and a good computer u calling BFD a speed hacker.
    is it neccessary to make false accusations when u suck? wait till i get my dark cz char to lvl 57. i wanna 1v1 u. whats ur excuse gonna be there when u lose? :lol:

  3. #33
    imma cut you up Senior Member lIIIIIIIIIIl's Avatar
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    United States of Eurasia


    isn't this the guy who said hakuna is a cheater? +1 to stupidity and ignorance

  4. #34
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I am going to stick up for him on this, he's still a low level compaired to alot of the server, he pretty much been stuck on his own and not had the advantage of having an experinced clan around him.

    I remember how naieve I use to be back when I started playing the game. I use to bitch on my clan forums then , no ranking or KO4life to bitch on. Officals we just a scary place at that point. Learning pk and the ways of an old server is not a fun time on your own.

    Minor does look like is goes alot quicker now in FD than before and I do feel it's more responsive than it use to be. With the HP thing Mental ur a mage right? If so your seeing the R damage then getting butt fucked by the main attack. When I hit alot of mages or BP I will sometime see the R damage but the crictical from my spike does not show as I take all of thier health. When I 1 hit someone I never see the damage I do.

  5. #35
    SuperRajiv The Spasian ResserGD's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    London, United Kingdom


    Originally posted by Felix
    When *I 1 hit someone I never see the damage I do.
    I get that 2, but its not only that, when u get the last hit on someone, (the hit that kills them) u never see the damage for that either

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