Now mobs are dropping, Full plate +1 and noob accesories like +5 and +6 str.
besides candy, now these drops, this event is totally screwed <_<
This is a discussion on New drop in Eslant Dungeon Mobs within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Now mobs are dropping, Full plate +1 and noob accesories like +5 and +6 str.
besides candy, now these drops, ...
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Now mobs are dropping, Full plate +1 and noob accesories like +5 and +6 str.
besides candy, now these drops, this event is totally screwed <_<
+1....well still better then drop ROFs and Iron sets
A guy in my party recieved 5000 dmg from a doom soldier LOL
+1 Thank you K2 for this.
But dunno how many more bugs have they released with this new patch :blink:
zZzZzZzZzZzZ They Rock ..
Updatedm some other guy got a crystal from red dragon :blink:
also they drop cristals opal and saphires "on juraid"
Do you mean 500?A guy in my party recieved 5000 dmg from a doom soldier LOL[/b]
No, sometimes mobs one shot you in Jurad for huge dmg. I once got one shot by an Apos from like across the map. Hit me for like 3500 lol..
niceUpdatedm some other guy got a crystal from red dragon :blink:[/b]![]()
lets farm full plates at ed^^
k2 rox again
Well i dont gonna complain on K2, cause i sent a Support ticket yesterday and got answer right away and they did what i asked.
But ofc they have to fix drop rate, noone picks +5 +6 acces anyway :P
I haven't seen any candy drop...but I haven't played a lot today...