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Nation trans gone after server restart

This is a discussion on Nation trans gone after server restart within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Yup, no more NT's, and the shady bastids raised some prices too LOL....
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  1. #1

    Default Nation trans gone after server restart

    Yup, no more NT's, and the shady bastids raised some prices too LOL.

  2. #2


    they have problem with the NT's but i dont think they ll completely disable it lets cross fingers -_- <_<

  3. #3


    Originally posted by the_DEAN
    they have problem with the NT's but i dont think they ll completely disable it lets cross fingers * -_- *<_<
    i bet they will fix it beffore arow shower hack

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :rollseyes:

  4. #4


    Well here is why it was gone.
    There was problem with new website.
    After your transfer said ready and you clicked the link on website, it would not transfer you but it would take the link away.
    Now for the people this happened to, they put the link back in their MYKOL but now, when you click it, it says your account has no Nation Transfer pending.

    Bug after Bug.


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