restarting... woot lets see what they can fuck up this time
This is a discussion on Premium issues with latest patch within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; restarting... woot lets see what they can fuck up this time...
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restarting... woot lets see what they can fuck up this time
the just gonna restart, nothing new or a patch
y do u guys bother with this game lol ^^
urban from pathos?
someone stole my name in pathos??
yea a 60 mage named UrbaN hes good gun
wanker! DEATH TO HIM!!
no hes good gun he pwn u oke
the only way he can pwn is by copyin someones name :P
Originally posted by UrbaN
wanker! DEATH TO HIM!!
u need to be golder premium to loginOriginally posted by Disturbed
same here have 13 days left of gold prem, guess u have to have platinum prem
GAY K2. I HATE K2.FUKING BUNCH OF MORONS U ALL WILL BURN IN HELL :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
27 days remaining gold premium and can't login <_<
they restarted servers so everyone who was premium and was ingame cant log on aswell now :wub: gg k2