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any1 else thinks the same thing??

This is a discussion on any1 else thinks the same thing?? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; well i guess KO is fuked up.. too many bugs, dupes, login problems pissing me off and most of them ...
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  1. #1

    Default any1 else thinks the same thing??

    well i guess KO is fuked up..

    too many bugs, dupes, login problems pissing me off

    and most of them came with rofd.. thats just my opinion..

    what u guys think?? every1 happy with these problems? or do u have the same problems??..

    im just pissed

  2. #2

    Default Re: any1 else thinks the same thing??

    Originally posted by trbwn
    well i guess KO is fuked up..

    too many bugs, dupes, login problems pissing me off

    and most of them came with rofd.. thats just my opinion..

    what u guys think?? every1 happy with these problems? or do u have the same problems??..

    im just pissed
    so far no macro ....

    and when KE came out the real sh^t started...

    just wait and see... i have same problems with dc and login problems so i cant play also certain times but so far i think its rather ok it could have been worse

  3. #3
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Has it actually been any different through all of the KO vertions, I only been playing 2 years but I can never remember a time where there was not a bug of one kind or another.

    KO it was anvil bugs and dupes. Human Atlia not dropping correct items, War use to crash the servers like crazy, MACRO combo ect. No lvl 70 animations for mages, Combo , Alt F4 ( Strokes was a right fucker for doing this ) , Warrior twtich ( think it was bind they used ) Scrolls would still lose time even when ur dead. Very curropt GM and a few good ones. Get killed by a human in the abbys and get ressed and gain XP. FT bug. Lunar valley bug ( log off in enimies luna valley next war starts u log back and you could start invading even if war is still on) Also the n00b in the back of breth that humans use to tp to all the time was another one.

    KE , Humans HP bars went black with a DOT was on them, twitching , king system , Tower bugging , Dupes , Chitin Shields not dropping , Provoke was screwed, Mages damage was weakend, Twitching KOSP, Castle got bugged, Eslante was shit do it had to be put back to the orginal, Get killed by a human and yo ulose 1% xp. FT bug. DLW bug with lvl 60's.

    This is what I can think of off the top of my head. We put up with alot of shit for a long time, nothing new with a few bugs.

  4. #4

    Default when you die and cant find a ress, you have to force close the program. The "Exit" Button is BEHIND the press ok sign so you cant log off. Alt-f4 doesnt work either, just brings up that menu shit. O well.

  5. #5
    Senior Member PADDY's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    fuck this lag it is fucking obsene

    we ran from gluttons to wratch's couldnt see a single monster then suddenly 6 hacking ashitons tp to us

    if its going to cause this lag just remove bi frost, i enjoy it myself but if its going to make the game unplayable, then whats the point?

  6. #6


    Originally posted by URunFasterWithAKnifE
    fuck this lag it is fucking obsene

    we ran from gluttons to wratch's couldnt see a single monster then suddenly 6 hacking ashitons tp to us

    if its going to cause this lag just remove bi frost, i enjoy it myself but if its going to make the game unplayable, then whats the point?
    dont go during lag fest hours silly brit

  7. #7
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by TunaFishyMe+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TunaFishyMe)</div>
    fuck this lag it is fucking obsene

    we ran from gluttons to wratch's couldnt see a single monster then suddenly 6 hacking ashitons tp to us

    if its going to cause this lag just remove bi frost, i enjoy it myself but if its going to make the game unplayable, then whats the point?
    dont go during lag fest hours silly brit[/b]
    so 5am to 6am GMT it is then w00t

  8. #8


    move to where I live....canada!!! duh!!!!!

  9. #9
    Speed of Dark


    Yes. Pinki B)

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006
    Orlando, FL


    Originally posted by Felix+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Felix)</div>
    Originally posted by TunaFishyMe@

    fuck this lag it is fucking obsene

    we ran from gluttons to wratch's couldnt see a single monster then suddenly 6 hacking ashitons tp to us

    if its going to cause this lag just remove bi frost, i enjoy it myself but if its going to make the game unplayable, then whats the point?

    dont go during lag fest hours silly brit
    so 5am to 6am GMT it is then w00t[/b]
    thats when i play

  11. #11
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Move to canada, ummmmm no!!! Anything that moves me clocer to Eveson is a bad bad bad bad bad idea.

    "Hit Tuna Round The Back Of His Head"

  12. #12


    looks like im not the only person having problems..

    and 1more thing pissing me off is the damn time.. i live in turkey(!) never can get in any servers 1pm~1am.. i never can play with my clan mates..



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