Well as we all know K2 changed their methods, and it is not possible to change an email, I purchased GangstaZon3 like a month ago, Now he took it back, at start I thought it wasnt him even tho the password got changed, I thought its a missunderstanding.
I decided to change the password through K2's help [tickets], my friend - Baby from this forum logged inside since I dont have KO on my computer anymore, a minute after he got dc'd password is changed, so I warn you all.
These are his emails:
[email protected] <- If u hack this one u got his ingame password ^^
[email protected] <- his msn

-GangstaZon3 is a scammer, DO NOT trust him.
Items lost: 2X rols, EME, Cleaver+9, Md +8, Shell set +7, Chitin pads +8, WP, Elf Belt and 4k KC worth of scrolls.

this is also my last thread in this forum, and probably my last thought about this game, I would like to thank some of my close friends and clans-

SexyThang - love u nimrod =]
all the guys from Respect, Vendetta, GermanArtOfWar, Apocalypse, Reapers.