99% of people can’t resist greed.
Few month ago a friend of mine Zyx started with me on Edana, I bought a warrior then traded for a sin. Zyx then realized he forgot the secret answer to his own assassin. He almost quitted, and told me he wanted a lvl 60+ sin or he sees no purpose in playing ko anymore. I felt bad for him, offered him the use of my sin and scrolls. Ya most things went fine, was the CL of a clan for a while, people got along, blah blah. Time came to separate account. Out of 3xWP 1xPP 1xRE 1xRoL 1xIronBelt I was left with 1 WP and 1 PP, people told me it was redicilous and told me to keep half, I didn’t mind, said if it would help him then doesn’t matter.
About that ironbelt, it was his friend duffman’s, and it was promised to be in exchange of me coming back to Edana from Manes, which I did. Now when I asked duffman he laughed and said “Zyx gave me a fireblast in exchange for it” those 2 were friends since childhood…
Later on Dark Avenger rebuild the sin and geared it. Traded duffman a scorpion shield for iron belt. Later Zyx wanted to reverse the trade and Dark Avenger refuses. And now Zyx some how got hold of my password and his reasoning was to get the iron belt back. Instead of only taking the iron belt, he took everything, chitin+7 set,shell+7, Rogue earring, iron belt, elf belt, MD+8, shard+6, priest pendant, and all the money DA and me worked to earn. And he said he felt no guilt.
Now all this time I had access to Zyx and duffman’s accounts few times in the past yet I have never done anything of the sort to them.
I need money for college and had a buyer lined up to buy those items for USD, and Zyx knew, but tried to ruin the one who trusted and tried to help him.
Now my life is harder trying to pay for college and the only mistake I made was in trying to help and being honest.
I’ve known some of you and been known as a 100% trust worthy guy by many. It’s funny one day, when Charlie aka peroxide msned me and asked me why don’t I scam people to make my future easier, being known as trustworthy seller makes it so much easier. I simply answered, “ Because it’s not the right thing to do.”
I honestly hope, that one day the scammers will have their past guilt catch up to them, when one day they realize not everything they do are without consequences that they pay dearly for wronging the people who they’ve betrayed.
Lesson to be learnt here, don’t always believe in the goods of people, and never underestimate
Power of greed.
And I hope that by reading this post people think twice when facing temptation, because once you scam you will never feel the same, you might feel great today over pixels, but eventually, maybe not soon, it will catch up to you, and when it does, I hope you all pay dearly.