Ok this is why knight online sucks.. we have litle nerds who dont have a real social life so they decide to spend all there money (or parents money) on buying items from other people just so they can BE THE BEST. lmfao who would spend over 500$ on pixels are you insane? ive heard stories on this forum where a guys spent over 5000$ on kol. Honestly, who would spend that much money on a crappy watered down version of WoW. And most people who do buy items from other people will often get there accoutns banned/hacked in the next couple of months and then go running to k2 for them to fix it. Its YOUR fault for buying accounts,items,gbs and im pretty sure its against the rules, so please dont fill up the forums "OMG BABA IVE BEEN SCAMEMD BABA SADFACE" This game isnt even fair its whoever has the lowest life of spending the most money.

Thats all i have to say.

Btw flamers and turks who think there USKO but have the worst english I have ever seen in my life please kindly... GTFO