Ok, so we go to do isiloon, have at least 3 parties, at first their priests come just to duff us to make somebody die. After a while a whole party comes down, i pm BuffedYa who i used to play with and i thought he was a good guy, guess not hes just a little bitch that follows his clan and does what hes told, a lot like tidoggg as he was there. We raped this party over and over, but i got tired and left so who knows whats to happen, they aren't going to be able to kill isiloon and its just pointless in them doing so. Just a warning that they are a bunch of no lifing kids that jerk off over pissing the real players off.

Oh and what made me laugh most of all was that optimusprime seems to think that hes a big bad ass in real life, well homie please come to england and ill have a RL vs you get me? haha you wouldn't touch me just look at my picture and ask people on the forums that know me, this is quite possibly a topic going to cause a raging flame war, so i do apologise and if it leads to this then close the topic, i just wanted to let everyone know how pathetic the clan Valiance is.