A new junior mod, this must mean that some admin checked in on g4l recently!
Holy guacamole.
This is a discussion on Wait... What? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; Whaaaa?
A new junior mod, this must mean that some admin checked in on g4l recently!
Holy guacamole....
Page: 1
A new junior mod, this must mean that some admin checked in on g4l recently!
Holy guacamole.
I've been working with an admin for the past week making a lot of changes to the forum.
Good result (seeing as that it's not that VIP spammer named thing).
It's the internet, believe everything you read.. herp derp.
Didn't care if I was mod or not, just so long as we have an active one.
Although I didn't expect to have the privelage of being a Junior- mod so quickly, I will do the best that I can do in this position to help everyone out. Thank you all!
Never hesitate to report/pm me with any issues and I will try to sort them out.
oh gg, maybe people will actually get infractions for being racist now lol, hopefully this 06'ers isnt biased towards 06'ers
There is no bias towards 06'ers ... I have like 3 infractions and have accumalated about 5 bans so far , lol.
There is bias towards ass lickers though , *cough* thing *cough*