I think that I don't wanna see him without chains. h43r:
This is a discussion on :( we will die.... have a look within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; I think that I don't wanna see him without chains. h43r:...
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I think that I don't wanna see him without chains. h43r:
Ultima looks the same as Rateino in KOWC, is it as tough? Or are they the same?
the body chained up is angry, he hasnt masterbated for years lol :lol: were did u find it
lolOriginally posted by the_man_slayer
the body chained up is angry, he hasnt masterbated for years lol *:lol: * were did u find it *
Ultima Weapon & Omega Weapon. Looks the same ofc, not to mention the other millions of things they ripped from FF ... (eidolon, raiba, vatalion, etc)Originally posted by SotongPoo
does anybody think ultima reminds u of something from the ff series? *<_< *it looks like a centaur-like creature too n almost same name.. *<_<
Originally posted by TunaFishyMe
im gonna put decorations like that when i get my own house
lol XD
Statue of the monster in the chair is a barlog
it don't look like balrog it could be pathos but ofcourse it's statue.How in that noob game they will make monster chained sitting on chair and don't move but alive.Someone go to ultima and make better ss :P
mayb it stands up when ultima is dead and rapes all of you h43r:
or force u to suck his D... mabey mabey who knows.Anyway if ultima drop is same as isoolion lol no reason to waste all pieces to enter
it would be pretty cool if they made a boss thats sitting there in a chair watching you and then when you get closer he stands up . Then his footsteps could make the earth tremble h43r:
or no box for ultima but u go to that monster take off chains and he gives u reward for rescue him