Ap0o why do you have my clan logo and motto in your sig?
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Ap0o why do you have my clan logo and motto in your sig?
facts reamains if it was made in rofd or before rofd
any1 have any proof, not some I saw bla bla, solid proof pls
now that i think about it, allowing one of the dupes to move might be a feature. When dupe wipes come along, they just delete all the frozen ones. The one that you can move will then be legit again.
So you mean the gonna randomly make 1 dupe legit again?
Ehh, you forgot to black out your name somewhere :rollseyes:
in old times was dupe wipe of all +8 items now they should do that to all hight class +9 items raptors elixirs etc. I dun care is it legit( yea right ) or not.
im just tihnking of reasons why 1 dupe would be frozen when both of them can be easily frozen. Maybe they have a way to detect which one is the actual dupe and freeze that one. Maybe they delete the original one and the most recent copy stays alive. The benefit to that would be getting hacked, get a rollback, and then dupe wipe would delete your previous items. I dont know. It just seems that freezing 2 items wouldnt be so difficult if you freeze of them anyways.
2 items with same id tag
I wonder how you can tell wich one is the first item and wich is the "duped" item
dont know...im just speculating.
Both are duped, the system doesnt work end of story.