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About Diet bug

This is a discussion on About Diet bug within the Tech Support forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; what doeas it mean that windforce Diet is bugged? i heard long time ago that it doeasnt stop premium pots, ...
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  1. #1
    Mes is offline
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    Default About Diet bug

    what doeas it mean that windforce Diet is bugged?

    i heard long time ago that it doeasnt stop premium pots, what about normal ?
    Last edited by Mes; 08-24-2011 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member MortalDance's Avatar
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    Its not "bugged".

    The curse wosnt updated when K2/Mgame bring out the new pots : PUS pots/ DISC pots / Ibex pots.

    Curse itself work properly and stop player from using all - even abys - pots exept for the above.

    Hardly anyone using old pots tho...

    It was suppose to be fixed in "future" ...

  3. #3
    Little archer Senior Member
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    its funny tho because people keep overpricing diet raum as if we were idiots


  4. #4
    Senior Member MortalDance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by razor View Post
    its funny tho because people keep overpricing diet raum as if we were idiots


    I would still take diet over any other raum ....

  5. #5
    Mes is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by MortalDance View Post
    I would still take diet over any other raum ....

    .................................................. .................................................. ........................

  6. #6
    Random Nab Senior Member mumbojumbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MortalDance View Post
    I would still take diet over any other raum ....
    And why exactly would you do that when you have LPP which works?

  7. #7
    Senior Member MortalDance's Avatar
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    I see no benefit in disarming someone for 3 sec ...
    It dosnt help me kill him, esp if the target is a int priest ( lpp is useless here ) or running mage ( same story ).

    Lpp is good for sins who like to vs and are afraid of geting hit to much

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by MortalDance View Post
    I see no benefit in disarming someone for 3 sec ...
    It dosnt help me kill him, esp if the target is a int priest ( lpp is useless here ) or running mage ( same story ).

    Lpp is good for sins who like to vs and are afraid of geting hit to much
    If you had good combo you would've see this benefit of 3 second malice (?) as a huge advantage on pking and ofc in vs .

    in 3 seconds u can cast enough skills to get a bp or mage or abit lower geared char with cp , bliding , spike , beast hiding . he is finished .

  9. #9
    Senior Member MortalDance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by relativz View Post
    If you had good combo you would've see this benefit of 3 second malice (?) as a huge advantage on pking and ofc in vs .

    in 3 seconds u can cast enough skills to get a bp or mage or abit lower geared char with cp , bliding , spike , beast hiding . he is finished .

    "If i had good combo" - sry, my combo is horrible

    "see benefit of 3 second malice" -sry as I see no benefit in malice... My weapon curse cast only torment anyway...

    "rest of his post " - rly ? How do u do that ? I always just R attack humans.

    Oh and if u dint know :

    LPP is short for Leroy Parasite Pwnage - Raum

    And the one im using is LTN ( Leroy torment Noobs ) that cast torment.

    Edit : And subside too !

  10. #10
    Little archer Senior Member
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    imo the best one is the underrated undefeatable.

    sin is all about extreme burst and raping nubs from full to zero.

    and we all know how annoying are those TPs with 1% hp...

    vs wise LPP would be better though.

    really... even i used disc pots (the ones from npc) when i was too lazy to buy 5k prem packs
    If you had good combo you would've see this benefit of 3 second malice (?) as a huge advantage on pking and ofc in vs .

    in 3 seconds u can cast enough skills to get a bp or mage or abit lower geared char with cp , bliding , spike , beast hiding . he is finished .
    lol mortal y even answer. obvious troll is obvious.

    this guy prolly still thinks that weapon cancellation takes away armor and shield benefits.

  11. #11
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    from the only place where u'll be able to listen the true Minimal


    imo the best 3 windforce are those :

    1) fire rain (if you pk with a party in wich there's a DB - so u need more an extra dmg than a curse like the bomba one)
    2) bomba ( would be the 1st choice if you pk almost always alone - the curse last for so long that your dmg done in that period is deffo better than the extra nova dmg of the fire rain even if it goes on for all the 10 seconds. moreover it reduces enemy's ap what else?!)
    3) undef. ( the curse works but the main prob is that ...will it really activate when the g.a.y enemy is going to ask for a tp or an "oto-tp" that's the moda nowadays?
    I guess no...but well..a party of archers using all undef. start to be interesting. - but still...a pt of all archer using all fire rains would be better )

    All the others are bugged or not usefull at all.

    I got cursed by the diet several times...(especially during bifrost respawn where there were kxpr archers camping our base) and lol tbh...i could use normal pots too.
    Now i dunno if i were drunked or the cursed didn't really work succesfully but even without using hp pots i could simply minor myself without being hurted at all tnx to my high mana.

    I do not like lousy cuz...the enemy can still heal himself regularly. it doesn't really make a huge difference.

    I got both fire rain and bombastic...and tbh i end using more often the bomba than the fire rain and i love it! Doh..loved when i ksed a nova town party killing with my fire rain nova the noobs np-transferrers chars xD Made my day and LOL in ts!!

  12. #12
    Little archer Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by inarco View Post
    imo the best 3 windforce are those :

    1) fire rain (if you pk with a party in wich there's a DB - so u need more an extra dmg than a curse like the bomba one)
    2) bomba ( would be the 1st choice if you pk almost always alone - the curse last for so long that your dmg done in that period is deffo better than the extra nova dmg of the fire rain even if it goes on for all the 10 seconds. moreover it reduces enemy's ap what else?!)
    3) undef. ( the curse works but the main prob is that ...will it really activate when the g.a.y enemy is going to ask for a tp or an "oto-tp" that's the moda nowadays?
    I guess no...but well..a party of archers using all undef. start to be interesting. - but still...a pt of all archer using all fire rains would be better )

    All the others are bugged or not usefull at all.

    I got cursed by the diet several times...(especially during bifrost respawn where there were kxpr archers camping our base) and lol tbh...i could use normal pots too.
    Now i dunno if i were drunked or the cursed didn't really work succesfully but even without using hp pots i could simply minor myself without being hurted at all tnx to my high mana.

    I do not like lousy cuz...the enemy can still heal himself regularly. it doesn't really make a huge difference.

    I got both fire rain and bombastic...and tbh i end using more often the bomba than the fire rain and i love it! Doh..loved when i ksed a nova town party killing with my fire rain nova the noobs np-transferrers chars xD Made my day and LOL in ts!!
    wat? ignorance at its finest.

    1. fire rain 250 damage splash is TRUE DAMAGE so it doesnt matter whether the target is debuffed or whatever. true damage in fact is useless against high hp targets. it only becomes valuable against high ac ones and because it has 5% chance (highest of them all) to activate in every single arrow from arrow shower. oh and its aoe

    2.bomba reduces enemy ac (15%), not ap iirc. this curse isnt good because of just that, its good because more arrows from shower will connect against bigger targets, so even S-R combo became pointless if the curse went off.

    3. undef and lousy are meh and useless choice for windforces.

    4. i thought this thread was bout raum lol

    aaand with cooldown, any cursed bow is worthless. because you dont combo with archer (no R hit in between) so you effectively have less than half of a chance of proc'ing the curse with single ranged arrows compared to melee classes.

    it will work once in a year or so lol


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