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NoN Premium Users

This is a discussion on NoN Premium Users within the Tech Support forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; It use to say "Only premium members are allowed to be on this time" When I Log in, Now it ...
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  1. #1

    Default NoN Premium Users

    It use to say "Only premium members are allowed to be on this time" When I Log in,
    Now it just says "Disconnected to server"
    Does this mean that the premium thing is gone so that non premium members can log in at premium times but server is full so disconnect occurs or did the msg "Only premium members are allowed on this time" Simply just changed to the msg "Disconnected to server" ??

  2. #2

    Default Re: NoN Premium Users

    Originally posted by <(-svV-JocelyN-)>
    It use to say "Only premium members are allowed to be on this time" When I Log in, *
    Now it just says "Disconnected to server"
    Does this mean that the premium thing is gone so that non premium members can log in at premium times but server is full so disconnect occurs or did the msg "Only premium members are allowed on this time" Simply just changed to the msg "Disconnected to server" ??
    changed to "disconnected from the server" msg

  3. #3


    and u back to ur lovely desktop :wub:

  4. #4


    I got an email form GM's saying that they will fix that soon.However i dont believe that since i think that Kol method in atracting more prems is to annoy non-prems ones to suicide and not make the game more apealing or something.

  5. #5


    when ever i play it says non-premium.............................

    is there any thing to solve tht problem and i can go in easily eccept buying it


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