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Scammer Beware!

This is a discussion on Scammer Beware! within the Tech Support forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; First one is: [email protected] >> Goes by: PitBull. Second one: MSN: [email protected] >> Goes by: Danny - BlackBreed . Conversation ...
Page: 1

  1. #1

    Thumbs down

    First one is: [email protected]>> Goes by: PitBull.
    Second one: MSN: [email protected]>> Goes by: Danny - BlackBreed .

    Conversation with Pitpull:
    Theres more of what we talked day before but did not save because i didn't thing I was really going to do the trade, and theres more to this convo; I told him I will block him on msn till I get pm from him on forum, but he said wtf man I'm blocking you because I blamed him being a Scammer.

    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    was at BDW
    Pitbull says:
    oh hi
    Pitbull says:
    you are back
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    can u trade now?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    did u do what i asked
    Pitbull says:
    i got the trade mod and like 2 vouchers are on atm
    Pitbull says:
    i can't take a picture out of my hand computer as i said no electric dude
    Pitbull says:
    call the vouchers?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    take a SS
    Pitbull says:
    i can not dude i wish i could lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    cant take a ss with an hand computer
    Pitbull says:
    palm top computer
    Pitbull says:
    that one
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    pm me on forum
    Pitbull says:
    one sec
    Pitbull says:
    sent with hi im ur buyer
    Pitbull says:
    name Bknight
    Pitbull says:
    ur my buyer
    Pitbull says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    u sure
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    i didnt recive anything
    Pitbull says:
    yup lol
    Pitbull says:
    i just sent it
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    still waiting on it
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    nothing yet
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    well i'm not lying to ya rofl want to see ma vouchers?
    Pitbull says:
    got 2 online atm
    Pitbull says:
    one is SininS at cwest
    Pitbull says:
    tha 83 rouge
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    they are all here and are awaiting for u
    Pitbull says:
    add you to the convo/
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    i dont trust msn names
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    it could all be fake
    Pitbull says:
    rofl dude
    Pitbull says:
    why owuld i lie to you
    Pitbull says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    im waiting on oforum resp.
    Pitbull says:
    i also got a trade mod awaiting lol
    Pitbull says:
    i made a few trades shares and a lot more
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    well forsome reson im not getting his or ur mesaage on forums
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    kinda weird...
    Pitbull says:
    the fuck o.O
    Pitbull says:
    check your mailbox or maybe ur bugged?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    nop i got mail last night from other people
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    it cant just go bug
    Pitbull says:
    i don't know yet
    Pitbull says:
    well i dont really know tbh
    Pitbull says:
    so dont u want to go on the conversation?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    like i said... msn names i never trust..
    Pitbull says:
    well lol dude
    Pitbull says:
    i sent ya like 2 pms allready
    Pitbull says:
    check ur mailbox
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    im not doing anything till i get pms
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    i did
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    its 65%
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    its fine
    Pitbull says:
    i gotta go in like 1 hour and half
    Pitbull says:
    let blackbreed be our trade mod
    Pitbull says:
    if you dont trust me or my vouchers
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    how do i know his msn is not fake lol
    Pitbull says:
    u asked for vouchers - got em asked for trade mod - got em
    Pitbull says:
    actually i asked for his msn at ko4life
    Pitbull says:
    and it was in his signature
    Pitbull says:
    you could check it out
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    well i pmed him on ko4life
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    and no asnwer...
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    i don't know
    Pitbull says:
    let me ask
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    giving it another 10min
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    and if anything... im frapsing everything and its going on forums
    Pitbull says:
    anything what lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    lol go ahead dude seriously im not that scared cause im not going to scam ya
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    i did my best
    Pitbull says:
    i'll wait for more 10 mins
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:

    Heres Conversation with Danny - BlackBreed:

    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    who are you?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    BlackBreed, Pitbull was speaking to me earlier asked me to be your trade mod
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    whats ur name on forums?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    BlackBreed ... lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    send me a message
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    on forum
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    I actually did waiting for a response
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    dont see it
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    kinda weird
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    try again plz.
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    ur Sabaka2 right?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    allright done
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    "I'm your trade mod"
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ok waiting for it to go tro
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    nothing yet
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    is it u pming me at ko4life saying can you be my trade mod?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    or wut
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    ok weird lol very weird
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Sabaka2 correct?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    tell me... Blackbreed...
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    what did my message say axacly
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    are you blackbreed im talking at msn?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    hmm is that all?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    cant see no more lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    very weird..
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    because it said few more things...
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    i see that only lol
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    im talking to pitbull he said ur not really intersted
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    am i actually spending my time here or wut lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    add him to this convesation....

    Pitbull has been added to the conversation.

    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    this will look good on forum if anything
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Pitbull says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    ok whats going on pitbull?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    im not getting neather of ur pms
    Pitbull says:
    you tell me lol i sent u like 4 pms allready
    Pitbull says:
    got ma vouchers and blackbreed
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    and mr Danny here is reading my meaages all wrong that i sent to him
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    on forums
    Pitbull says:
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    he actually gave me this msn
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    danny? rofl
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    well for some reason he's not who he said he is...
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    I don't understand what u guys are trying to ull here...
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    im not 15 years old.
    Pitbull says:
    am not trying to do anything buddy
    Pitbull says:
    i actually got the items
    Pitbull says:
    and i got u the vouchers and that "trade" mod
    Pitbull says:
    i hope he really is
    Pitbull says:
    he should atleast talk lmao
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Pitbull says:
    are you blackbreed from ko4life?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    Pitbull says:
    can you answer my pms than?
    Danny - BlackBreed says:
    dont really see any
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    hmm you guys know who this is Breathoffire?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    hes ips match up
    Pitbull says:
    breathoffire? lol
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    yeah any of u know him
    Pitbull says:

    Danny - BlackBreed has left the conversation.

    Pitbull says:
    wtf is happening now?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    did he blocked you?
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    how could i been so blind
    Pitbull says:
    blind of what
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    i hope you dont blame me i just got that trade mod dude
    Pitbull says:
    dont rown up my reputation
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    Pitbull says:
    holy crap lol
    Pitbull says:
    u think i was getting that fag
    Pitbull says:
    to scam you?
    Pitbull says:
    those are my items too wtf
    Pitbull says:
    i turst nobody
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    sorry i have no more buss with u or him
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    this is fucked up
    ﻹJenyaﻹ says:
    i'll onblock u when i recive ur pm on forum.
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    Pitbull says:
    im gona block u too lol that's kinda fuked p as i said

  2. #2
    Senior Member VictoryAkara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    So, wait - did you get scammed or what?

  3. #3


    So, wait - did you get scammed or what?[/b]

    Nop lol

    But I did get pm back from real BlackBreed, And hes going to confirm that it was not him... so that makes both of those guys scammers.

  4. #4
    Promise Less, Do More Senior Member Danny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    ישראל - In: New York


    Just another low life trying to use my name to hustle up items from any server... I changed my email already so I cannot be imitated but I still hear people telling me that impostors from my old email are still on the loose. People who get scammed from those people, it's totally their own fault for being ignorant. My trade mediation rule: Always PM me on KO4Life before doing the trade, to confirm that the moderator is not a fake. Thanks for posting, good job for PM'ing me.

  5. #5
    Senior Member VictoryAkara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Just another low life trying to use my name to hustle up items from any server... I changed my email already so I cannot be imitated but I still hear people telling me that impostors from my old email are still on the loose. People who get scammed from those people, it's totally their own fault for being ignorant. My trade mediation rule: Always PM me on KO4Life before doing the trade, to confirm that the moderator is not a fake. Thanks for posting, good job for PM'ing me.[/b]
    Indeed - People really do need to start checking to make sure it's actual trade mod's - They come here saying That a trade mod scammed them and it turns out that it's another fake email address.

  6. #6


    nice i like to here scammers get foked up well done mate

  7. #7


    Just another low life trying to use my name to hustle up items from any server... I changed my email already so I cannot be imitated but I still hear people telling me that impostors from my old email are still on the loose. People who get scammed from those people, it's totally their own fault for being ignorant. My trade mediation rule: Always PM me on KO4Life before doing the trade, to confirm that the moderator is not a fake. Thanks for posting, good job for PM'ing me.[/b]
    Tnx, I appreciate your reply.

    nice i like to here scammers get foked up well done mate[/b]
    And yeah.. You only get scammed once to understand their little scam GAME.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    I got scammed by the same guy that scammed u except he scammed me a month ago...I even posted a topic about this.....

  9. #9


    I got scammed by the same guy that scammed u except he scammed me a month ago...I even posted a topic about this.....[/b]
    That sucks, Well good thing I didn't get scammed this time . And taking same precaution prob never again.


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