It's not proving that it's a waste of time / money, it proves that the typical PSKO player, who happen to talk more than he should, who also claim to be "the best player ever" (based on the way he talk),
happens to be a joke, as you saw in this video.
Take what I wrote bellow to razor as an example, don't you think it's a waste of time to keep jumping from one server to another and start all over again every single time while you could have a character fully geared in USKO and simply PK whenever you want ? without being worried that the server you're playing will be wiped tomorrow and you'll have to start all over again in the same server or a different server..
Don't be mistaken, I never said USKO is important.
What I am saying is, it's true that USKO used to be a complete crap 3-4 years ago but I have to admit that during the last year if not last 2 years.. it got improved.
You, as someone who plays private servers only (for the last few years I guess?), tell me did you actually get something by playing those servers? and I am not saying it wasn't fun, perhaps it was fun but think about it this way:
What if for the last 3 years for example, you played in USKO.. the server you would play doesn't really matter, you would probably be fully geared by now right? you could simply login and PK whenever you want, exp farm or whatever makes you enjoy this game.
In those servers for example, you might have fun for a week, two.. a month.. maybe even more than a month. Then what? start all over again in a different server?
You tell me which makes more sense.
And skill wise, do you feel like you learnt something during the last year(s) while you were playing private servers?
I am being completely serious right now.