Around the middle to end of April a few months ago I stopped playing Delicious and completely cut everything from KO off from my life. Since that time the new 1527 patch came out, blocking IPs out of a certain IP range for each account. So for the past 2+ months it has only been Andre and Simon playing on the account. Since I came back and wanted to play again, I found out about the patch and searched for another way to enjoy the game, and found FreekaleeK. So now I bring you Delicious LvL 80 PK Volume 2: The Return, but this time recorded on FreekaleeK, not Delicious.

I spent some more time editting on this video (and not pking, to my clannie's dismay ^_^), and mostly on the intro. I wanted to incorporate more editting in my video, yet still maintaining the quality of action that I have tried to present in each of my videos. So I believe this video has a great combination of both, and should be very enjoyable :lol:

I have uploaded a compressed version of the video, because it was originally 850 mb large :lol: so I compressed it down to 350 or so, but if requested I will upload the non-compressed version which has VERY high quality picture.

Also on youtube I had to cut out the credits from the video to fit within the 10 minute time limit, so I just would like to say my thanks here:

Thanks to Andre, and Simon my brothers from another mother. TC, Johnny, and Trip for letting me play FreekaleeK. Onslaught, Ryan, Andy, Matt, someon3, and the rest of my SacredSouL clannies, and my old Fierce and Insanity clannies. A special thanks to Chris, Drew, Muzo and Blackbreed who have spent much time helping me edit all of my videos.

Ok enough bs, heres the videos

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