Wait, So now that I have a Razor Keyboard and Mouse you think I'm a cheater o-O yea, you can use it with the game don't mean I do - to busy to screw with it, besides not like I even play ko much.
This is a discussion on LOL KO hompage within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online (ko4life.com) category; Wait, So now that I have a Razor Keyboard and Mouse you think I'm a cheater o-O yea, you can ...
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Wait, So now that I have a Razor Keyboard and Mouse you think I'm a cheater o-O yea, you can use it with the game don't mean I do - to busy to screw with it, besides not like I even play ko much.
i can see the next addition on PUS already..
allows you to exp and farm whilest beeing afk.
You'll lose all the respect of the gaming community, but you could care less. Just like we, k2, do.
8500KC/2month duration."[/b]
hahahaha nice one
k2 = sux :/[/b]
why u guys still playing then :P
haha if all quit at same time k2 will do something about it...
That will never happen bro
yes and it also makes them look like a shitty site far from a website that would have a 16 million player basethey dont have to, they make enough money off KO itself to run the company. But like all other companies, why not make more? Throw google ads on their site and they will have more income[/b]
16millions.. yes.yes and it also makes them look like a shitty site far from a website that would have a 16 million player base[/b]
k2 rox
they didnt put that there i think its auto updated with things related sponsored by google :P
We did have google ads for awhile on the site, then a few months ago when we had to restore the forum back to a few days prior ( Shurt's account was hacked and some damage was done on the boards ) ever since then the ads stopped appearing. And people using Internet Explorer were getting problems whenever they hit the "Back" button on their browser it wouldn't work correctly. Not even Google knew of a way to fix the issue on our site and I believe we just remove the code all together untill whatever it was get resolved ( if it ever will )You are right Phantom. Btw why dont ko4life think abouth google ads ?[/b]
Well IE 6 have bugs. Maybe it will work on ie 7/8 dunno. Am sure there is way to fix that just some one need to find that way :wub:
it did it on Ie7 that I know of, and there is no ie 8
Hmm. Well i dont know much abouth phpbb forums. But i know a bit php-nuke. Did u try to add googleads like a block or module or how ?
That is wierd bug if u want me i can ask some friend's in serbia if they know how can be that fixed, or how can be that add'd with out any problem. They maybe know how can be do that, cuz they know alot this Web languages... one of them have a big forum like ko4life "mycity.co.yu" so if u want i can ask.
Btw so if ther googleads and i use IE7 and click on back buton it wont show page?
We going offtopick :P
sry for bad english ^^