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Is my mage good, rate pls xD

This is a discussion on Is my mage good, rate pls xD within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Mm it's okay. Hp is quite low, but that's part of being and int fire mage.. Ac is ok, unless ...
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  1. #16
    Senior Member Majix's Avatar
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    Mm it's okay. Hp is quite low, but that's part of being and int fire mage.. Ac is ok, unless ur hp build the only def between ur ac at lvl 61 and lvl 75 is 14 ac :P So you can't blame your level for the cause of that. My crystal mage has around 875 ac with all defensive armours on.. If i switch to hp armours ~ 930 - 940 i think.. Might be a lil more or less, but i rarely wear hp armours to begin with.

  2. #17
    Senior Member NordFront's Avatar
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    ur FR suck

  3. #18


    Okay go ahead and bash the guy when his mage is quite nice not everyone has god like gear give the man a break and hes on a newer server so nice mage my friend.

  4. #19
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sybian
    Okay go ahead and bash the guy when his mage is quite nice not everyone has god like gear give the man a break and hes on a newer server so nice mage my friend.
    he asked for opinions we gave them....if he wanted to be babied and told his character was good even though we didnt think it was good then he should have said that...but since he didnt STFU

  5. #20


    whatever man just because u have been playing on ko forever and u have all the best jewlery and shit being the coolest guy on ko is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrom whatever his mage is nice...

  6. #21


    Originally posted by Sybian
    whatever man just because u have been playing on ko forever and u have all the best jewlery and shit being the coolest guy on ko is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrom whatever his mage is nice...
    k, this might sound harsh, but its honest.

    HP is low, Def is low. Not enough int to stun/slow effectively, and not enough MP to do any damage.

    How is this a "nice mage"?

  7. #22


    Originally posted by oncemore+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(oncemore)</div>
    whatever man just because u have been playing on ko forever and u have all the best jewlery and shit being the coolest guy on ko is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrom whatever his mage is nice...
    k, this might sound harsh, but its honest.

    HP is low, Def is low. Not enough int to stun/slow effectively, and not enough MP to do any damage.

    How is this a "nice mage"?[/b]
    well ture if the mage cannot do stun or anything

  8. #23
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sybian
    whatever man just because u have been playing on ko forever and u have all the best jewlery and shit being the coolest guy on ko is like being the smartest kid with downs syndrom whatever his mage is nice... mage had far from the best...shio tears +0, rom +0, glass belt +0, EP+0, cleric +1, sse+0...the only +1 i had wasnt even that good :rollseyes: basicly was a WE...

    nor have i been playing ko forever...i started playing a month before beramus came out :rollseyes:

    next time learn the facts before u talk shit....

  9. #24



  10. #25


    wtf? why are people acting like this 61 noob has a good mage? u will get owned in cz... get over 4k hp and 900ac and then come here and MAYBE u will get some worshippers then.

  11. #26


    btw this is pathos

  12. #27


    Ah ok, i will try work on my hp then, and yes this is pathos, there isn't so many baba items here yet. But the truth is i don't get raped in cz, i can easy outpot 3-5 rouges/warriors. But it dosen't really matter sinse i never pk

  13. #28


    Im sorry if i was a jerk you flamed my mage saying it was shitty awhile back but i mean im just trying to say it is pathos id understand if it was dies or like ares but its not yes there is room for improvement but so far hes doing preety well for his level its my opinion.

  14. #29
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sybian
    Im sorry if i was a jerk you flamed my mage saying it was shitty awhile back but i mean im just trying to say it is pathos id understand if it was dies or like ares but its not yes there is room for improvement but so far hes doing preety well for his level its my opinion.
    pathos has been up lpenty of time...should be 65+ by now and have defense armors from the quest...he has imo crap mage

    dont like my opinion? tough shit its an opinion and im entitled to have one

  15. #30


    Originally posted by camaz0tz+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(camaz0tz)</div>
    Im sorry if i was a jerk you flamed my mage saying it was shitty awhile back but i mean im just trying to say it is pathos id understand if it was dies or like ares but its not yes there is room for improvement but so far hes doing preety well for his level its my opinion.
    pathos has been up lpenty of time...should be 65+ by now and have defense armors from the quest...he has imo crap mage

    dont like my opinion? tough shit its an opinion and im entitled to have one[/b]

    It took me forever to get 60, and i did have a dd helmet +7, but i sold it for 40m, when it was worth 80-100m. And i havn't been thinking of getting talia, would it be a good idea to get them ?

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