yeh but only the newer versions for ko compatabilityCan you record a video with fraps? somthing thats playing online?[/b]
This is a discussion on what is everyone using for recording ingame? within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Can you record a video with fraps? somthing thats playing online?[/b]
yeh but only the newer versions for ko compatability...
Page: 3
yeh but only the newer versions for ko compatabilityCan you record a video with fraps? somthing thats playing online?[/b]
say i need a clip from a video that is online, what should i use to record it.
you know what i cant get it to work its kinda lame so im stuck with frapz
i installed gamecam and it gives me an xtrap error saying some functins of the operating system were invalid or somethig like that then im forced to reinstall gamecam cuz it wont open again >.<. any idea why this is?
i guess we have the same shit pc (HP?)I cant use fraps in ko, cuz im lagging shit.. i have vista... dual cores, 2gb ram, and a 265mb geforce7500LE ...
and i cant use gamecam on vista.. suckysucky...
so what can i do ? ;X[/b]
im trying to get money for a 6800gts (decent, cheap, hopefully good enough for KO)
w/ the new patch gamecam is block by xtrap ( im using win xp sp2) im using fraps, but it saves the recorded movies into a one god damn big file like 500+mb.. >.<
You can use virtual dub.. IMO it's better than gamecam and fraps