:wacko: :blink:
This is a discussion on What İs This ? within the Media forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; :wacko: :blink:...
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a ghost that came with Ke patch
dunno what it does
Gm _? What is it job
i dont see any gms on this site ?Originally posted by MageOfManes
Gm _? What is it job
Originally posted by FatM4n
a ghost that came with Ke patch
dunno what it does
I remember that i seen that before KE
i saw it first time when they announce Knight Empire will be released soon.. since then i never saw it again :P
Lady of the Moon
Once upon a time there were 7 Suns that circled te Earth. It was very very hot. So the people hired a hero to kill 6 suns. He did. He then becomes king of the land and marries the prettieset woman. Now this king wanted to live forever, so he hired these medicine men and they spent years and years to make a pill that will make you live forever. And so the woman wanted to be beautiful forever so she ate the pill while the man was away and she flew to the moon.
i got that pic way way long time ago, when i just started US-KO i think ..
donno, i downloaded it somewhere back then
Ma friend said its ''Banner-Angel'' but i dunno whether its true.
zzz, it's the GM watching over us.. didn't you guys already know that? there were tons of posts like this..