Paddy is a thick twat. Shurt is a shirtlifting cocksucker. Psy is a moronic cunt who struggles with the english language and cannot even string together an insult without it backfiring spectacularly.
Diez is the trashcan of USKO, the weakest server overall. The amount of hype given to diez on ko4life is crazy considering how bad it is and how bad diez players are. You are all utter garbage, i could beat any of you scrubs whilst eating a hotdog and completing a sudoku puzzle at the same time. Diez has never had a clan or guild equal to ares or even beramus ones, in fact when the new server opens it will probably be of a higher standard than diez due to all the MYKO players.

Then theres all the turks who insist on flaming me and then begging for my msn in private, you are pathetic and i am your god. suck my dick.