Facebook friends and family. If you have never stopped and thought about things happening around you that you have no idea about. Take a few seconds. read this. go do your own research. and form a valid opinion. Because what is going on in the world today is very troubling, wether you believe it to be biblical, tyranny, new world order. something drastic is about to happen in the following months/days.... Open an ear. Do your OWN research. There are intelligent people in this world. 2+2 is 4. fact.

THE US ECONOMY WILL CRASH... 1st off. The federal reserve keeps printing paper money which is illegal and has really no value? just hurts the 2 trillion debt we already have per year? 2. Euro crashing is just in the near future for the united states. ONE day you will go to the bank and be nothing in there. 5 major banks and when i say major i dont think you comprehend when i say MAJOR... ok ok so we know rothchilds and rockefellers have the pretty much largest vast of money banks etc for days. richest people in the world. these are the elite. they are people who have been pushing towards this "new world order" end of times martial law, whateveryou want to call it fine. but they are accomplishing everythign they set out to do. Take a look into psycosocial propaganda and how much power these celelbrities and other people have in your everyday life . eii.. facebook has algorithams to feed certain news to you. twitter blaitnly block popular hastags for agendas. You can talk for days and days about this. It has been around for ages. I have said about it for ages people look at me like im crazy they are puppets into this rich elites. illuminati freemasons occultic antichrist. many people say many different things. but one thing i know. is things are happening to their schedule. unless the american people fight back... it isnt if its when.

So back to what I was saying. banks. already closing euro market crashed. we are next. we have nothing left to do. JP morgan and chase 5.1 trillion dollars owed? do you fathom that amount of money? from one of the "major" banks... When our banks announce that the system will be down because of a virus or some mishap, just like in 2008, and after that happens. 72 hours and martial law will be put into effect. section by section. state by state. they WILL TRY to uphold martial law.Jade helm exercises. TAKE 10 mins and do some research ten minutes and i promise if you ask yourself WHY you will start asking WHY to alot other situations happening.

Walmart. Lets take a few seconds to talk about walmart. Did you know that in 2010 walmart and the department of Homeland Security DHS signed a partnership. Yeah there is an official video released by DHS. check it out. 5 stores in april of 2015 were shut down for 6 months due to publing issues. 6 months??? from april of 2015 to 2016 269 walmart stores have shut down world wide 154. in the us. 10 % were in brazil. Brazil is in economic failure. RIots are happening. Martial law is being issued. Facts ...
there are multiple upon multiple videos of walmarts being basically turned into fema concentration camps with gaurd towers barbwire. crazzzyy shit.. tons of troops and humvees. AND MASS COFFIN bulidings popping up in cali and just massive storage of caskets. everythings starting to come together.This group envisions a one world banking system and currency that will give in to a cashless computer financial system, one world centralized control of global population, global control of the world’s environment, economy, trade and army. Think of everything the media the government everything everyone has been trying to push the last several years. Racial Fights, Religion being stripped(christianity) out of almost everything, school shootings(ourguns). We have been fed this propeganda for years and most of the American people have failed to realize what has been going on.

Do some rearch of the 28 pages of classified documents from the 911. Basically stating that people had aided in the help of the terrorists and funded them? but they are just puppets in the elitest of elites. They will control EVERYTHING in our lives.
And to top everything off for the biblical aspect of all of this. The massive amounts of earthquakes that have happened since april 6th 2016. Japan 7.o APril 14th April 16th Equador 7.8 April 17th Tonga 6.1 Just a few to name. All around the “ring of fire” or the ring around the platelettes? (spelling) and we are seeing tension releases and aftershocks where we should be except for fault line along california. If that earthquakes hit it will be a 9.0 can send tsunamis 160 miles inland. And this isnt also a if its a when. experts are saying it could be eminent it could be in a few years. but its going to happen. yellowstone supervolcano has been showing activity. wildlife have migrated from there. If you look at the closings of walmarts across the us and look up the image of disaster yellowstone would cause if it errupted and your mind will be blown. coincidence? i dont believe in them. but i do believe in the american people. if anything you read the whole way through and are slightly interested? maybe think im half crazy. but dont let me be the one saying, hey i told you so. i have been a consspiracy type of guy my whole life and have always believed in what the illuminati and free masons and high elites have done. scandals shootings. I’ve been in the whole way.

And i left the last bit for the serious person. IF you pay any attention to the presidental campaign and what the united states did IN FRONT OF OUR OWN EYES which was AGAINST THE LAW with no regard to punishment or care. should be enough to get you out of your seat. My political agenda is neither here nor there. In a couple states recently colorado being one for sure. they pretty much just said here ted cruz you get the delegates because you have majority vote and you are the winner. NO WRONG FALSE.. there was never an election even held. people went to vote and if they did it wasnt even counted. MOST POLLS WERE CLOSSED... DO SOME RESEARCH... i do not show favortism for trump but he is a curveball for the agenda because he HAS IS OWN MONEY and LAWYERS and dosent need the funding of all this money. He can do what he wants. HE has won the hearts of americans. AND the us government is steppign in and saying wait wait wait your vote dosent matter because we want cruz as the nominee.

WAKE UP facebook friends family loved ones. wether you believe in god or a higherpower say a prayer for this country because trying times are coming our way. Get right with god. Do what you need to do.