
- lags and dc = u die
- u keep running same places even "different" dungeons are same spot
- dungeons are shitty similar, even mops keep been kinda same, biggest difference between 3 basic dungeons they repeat is time limit
- lvling is too easy, exept well PK starts at lvl 95

+ moving is same for KO player
+ lvling is easy
+ P2P ( I met only 1 turkish guy and he spoke decent english )

not worth of it


+ map is huge
+ loads of quests
+ graphics is ok
+ u can start pk on very low lvl since there is pk limits on different zones in n00b zones it's 4 highest I have seen is so far is 10. This means that on those zones u cannot be killed more higher than those lvls. U still get owned a lot dun worry
+ housing and mounts ( yes sounds like wow but it isn't )
+ shit load of skills professions and possibilities to make your char, so chars are basicly uniques
+ pking is fast and with many skills u need to know what to use and u don't have to jump like mexican bean like in wow
+ P2P
+ loads of mops and they look different
+ cool animations and shitty cool skills

- chat is not really easy to get functioning well
- u can be greedy and take too many quests :lol:
- Buying game is not that simple
- new areas come with new expancions and they cost...but even with original one u can play and play long
- moving is mainly with keyboard
- lvling is quite slow
- finding item repairer is hard

overall great so far, beats wow any day and KO also worth of trying...specially remember choose PvP server