Or have special powers to morph into frogs!!
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Or have special powers to morph into frogs!!
i want to donate a dollar via Credit cardOr have special powers to morph into frogs!![/b]but it has to be 10 :unsure:
anyways does the donator thing stays foever or for only 3 months
iam best xD!![/b]
me > you :wub:
On here i dont care what people say only way you know there trustable is if you know them real life plain and simple, people say you 100% GG in trustable section and someone does a trade with them and boom boom scamm.. what happend to all those people who vouched for that guy? no where to be found.
Its easy to become a donator and pay 10 bucks or something and someone trust you and then you can scamm them 1k usd or 500 usd, hey thats a profit isnt it ?
Only people i trust on this site is my couzin and some admin/mods
Totally agree...Post count has nothing to do with being trustable. However, people do consider that the more posts you have, the more known you are amongst the community, which means more trustworthiness granted towards you.
As for becoming a Trusted Trade Mod... We'll call you, you don't call us.[/b]
U win trustability playing and meeting people not only posting.
In other words, you're not getting it.