Art0fWar goes Carnac west

What is Art0fWar?
We are an englishspeakin karus clan with european members. clan got created last night and we offer everybody with expierence from other servers to join our teamspeak server and talk with us and haveing fun. we dont care about ur current level at cwest just about your past and that u gonna use teamspeak.

What are the requirements?
- Using teamspeak/forum
- having expierence from other servers
- 18 years or older

Who is who?
MrFridulin (lvl 71 warrior, german)

MrSvoon (lvl 74 warrior, german)
MrsDoubtfire (lvl 6x priest, german)
DonMystique (lvl 75 warrior, swedisch)

How to contact us?
there are a few possibilities to contact us.
- pm me at ko4life/clanforum
- write an applycation at clanforum
- visit our irc channel #art0fwar (with zero) at quakenet
- join our teamspeak (ask me or other clannies for infos)
