Genral Information
Clan Name: (Your Clan's Name)
Clan Website: (If applicable)
Clan Type: (Karus or El Morad)
Level: (eg 60-70 55+)
National Points: (mainly this is 4 clans looking 2 increase their Np Ranking)
Character Types: (Mages, Rogues, Warrior's and Priest's)
You can make any of these and complex or as simple as you wish.

Player Information
Game nick:
Where from:
Lanuage's spoken:
Current Ingame Level:
Just a quick run down of the basic of the person's you're recruit'n

Additional Information
MSN, Yahoo, or AOL Id:
How long have you been playing KO:
How often do you play:
Why you left last clan, or leaving current clan: