So, im looking for people who want to farm stuff and im also looking for people that would like to make multiple PK videos.


We're gonna need level 80+ people who want to farm for money & items, probably for Krowaz stuff. Since not everyone in my clan (Amicus) is interested in doing this we're gonna need people outside of the clan to join us. So we'll have a group, that will do farming together and help each other get better gear.

What exactly has to be done is up 2 the group to decide, we can farm anything and im up for anything.


I've accomplished almost everything in the very long time that i've played KO, unfortunately i've never been able to have my own PK videos, mainly because i suck at making them.
So we're gonna need someone thats good at making them and editing them, also a group of people who are "geared" and actually will enjoy making the video with us. I'm sure people of my clan (Amicus) will be glad to join us.

So if anything sounds interesting to u, leave a comment or pm me here with ur IGN, we can work something out.

Made this topic mainly to "kill" the boringness that strikes sometimes on EUKO, sometimes there just isn't anything to do than killing koxpers in CZ, at those times we could farm .