Yea we're back :P Hopefully in the new server half of us wont get hacked from pass change and random stuff like that.
For those of you who do not know us we played semi-old school oly as well as logos for the first 8 months of the server. If you would like to kno more about who is going, click on this linky and check out some pix and stuff. Feel free to register and post.

Clan website

Should you need to kno anything about our clan or what the rules are jus send me a msg. Oh an btw we're goin ORC

Our Planz-

Our goal is to have the first full 70+ with all players maintaining atleast an S symbol. We are more hard core pkers than expers but we all hit 70+ within the first month of the server so that gave us a reason. We plan on using same plans as logos except this time we want to do isiloon and felankor early on.

I will have a vent server up (not the one i have open now) but perhaps a 100 man if we get 2 clan going and it will be open for all players for the new server so everyone will be welcome in it so that we can have a common meeting ground for the ppl of the new server.

We played well as a team in logos and i believe we'll play well as a team in the new server.

If you want a clan that will last, exps up to 72-75 and pks hardcore then this is the clan for you.

If you would like to join, send an application this way
Apply Here (clicky)

remember to include
Nationality //Timezone (so we can figure out ur timezone)
Do you have vent+mic,
Do you have Fraps/gamecam
List Past character names, servers and level/nps
and any other comments you want to leave on that link above on your own topic.

If any other questions or comments, jus post them here.

I look forward to the challenges and crews comin to the new server, hopefully it will b gg