I am reopening the Amity alliance but under very special conditions.

My goal is to setup exp, pk and farming parties for archers, mages, and priests only.
I'm going to try to look for new players, so if you are a pro that cant stand helping out others then save yourself the trouble.

I will make special consideration of Porrtu class, because Aristotle is a good guy. And they're not that bad.
Absolutely no warriors or assassins, but tier-1 fabrics battle priests are welcome.

I am opening Amity for 80, Am1ty for 70 and full exp chars, and lAmityl for casuals, ardream and rlb archers.

I am just starting out on this, so please have some patience while I try to work this thing.

You can pm Iscariot on Diez 1 or this account for more info.