Name: Ian
Age: 18
Gamertag: OnlyAMan
Class: Int BP
Level: 18
Premium: Upon Clan invitation i will get Platinum
Time Zone: GMT - 8 (Pacific)
Availability: 2-4 Hours per day. I can do more if it's needed for a raid or something like that.
Experience: 4 years KE and ROFD. haven't played much Forgotten Frontiers.
Previous Server: Diez
I'm looking for a good leveling and Pking clan that plans on be 65+ if they already aren't. I know how to power lvl and will skill as a buff/heal until i'm ready to pk in which case i will reskill to debuff/heal. I may need help learning all the new features since the last patch but other than that i have a good knowledge of the game and won't need much guidance. I don't plan on making this game my life like i did 2 years ago. So i won't be playing more than 4 hours a day unless the occasion absolutely called for it. message me on here or ingame and i will join. Also it would be nice if it was an english speaking clan.