Well, i was going to buy PlodeZ, but i had alot of problems with my mum and dad splitting up, having to keep my money for emergencies, which occured more than i expected, having to sleep at a hotel for 2 weeks (fucking expensive)....

I had a pretty well equipped INT Priest on Edana, but quit to buy PlodeZ (Gave away Dual WSE +0, EP +0, DOL +6, Smite Hammer +6, Shell Set +7, gloves +8, Bronze Belt +0, quest rings. 5200HP with undy at level 64 :X

next thing i knew, i was saving to buy PlodeZ, went to buy it tonight, and its sold. :<

I don&#39;t care what server, but i just want a 70+ account to play.
I will be happy to XP a little % a day (2-3%) and XP i lose I will DOUBLE back :X

PlodeZ will happily reffer me and assure you if you do want me to, i WILL pay you for premium per month and pay you for KC i use for scrolls etc.

I&#39;m more than happy to goto clan events, Felankor/Isiloon when ever asked to do so, and you can kick me off when ever to play :P If you ever need me i&#39;m in my own Ventrilo server.

Please let me know, concidering i now live in a new house with my mum and she got alot of money after the divorce, she paid off the mortgage

I&#39;m now working part time again while she is happy to work full time (wish she wouldnt :S)

I know i didn&#39;t have to explain my life story to you all, but just to let you know the situation im in.

Hope someone has somthing for me, jsut keep what i have in offer in mind.
Thanks for reading guys.

~Mike (Please PM me via Ko4life to let me know if anything pops up)

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