For the past year we have been all assuming that new server is coming out, thinking that it would be out 4 months after the Carnacs' came out as their usual repetitive release, but we were wrong. After that people started rumors on new server's release date, making false statements, and of course none of them were right. After messaging them on the official forums, I've got this response "I can't say for sure. All I know is that you'll hear something about it around that time. smile.gif". So honestly, who knows what it may mean. It may mean that it will actually come out at the beginning of April, or it might be announced then saying that it will be released in a matter of days/weeks/months. K2 has always caught us off-guard when releasing new servers, so that is why it's best to be safe then sorry, symbolically meaning that it's best if people get organized before its release, than start scrambling themselves when it comes out, trying to find the constant xp/pk, and a good clan to share the glory with.

Fierce was suppose to go to a new server, but we started planning for it way to early, therefore after some time we really gave our hopes up and just decided not to go. Well actually not we, but it was Ash, the clan leader of Fierce. We have asked him to come back once again, but he is busy elsewhere. Therefore it is up to me and Sam (Fors4keN)(Ash's co-leader) to lead the rest of the old members to the new server, and recruit some new ones. I have been a clan leader before, leading the #1 clan theReapers™ for 3 months straight, before we all decided to quit, while Sam has been Fierce's co-leader always, meaning he was the one leading the clan while Ash wasn't on and as you know, Fierce was #1 wherever they went. I'm usually against the idea of having multiple clan leaders, in this case 2, but since both Sam and I are experienced at leading #1 clans, it is an excellent way of putting this future clan to succeed even better then theReapers™ and Fierce have. Another major reason why there is two of us leading is because I know that I won't have time to be online 12 hours a day (I know it's sad, but that's how long I played when being leader to make sure we keep that #1 spot), but I will still play alot during the day, and the best part is that me and Sam live 6 hours apart, therefore either one of us will be online the whole day running things properly.

That's enough about our past experience, time to get to the real stuff. We aren't going with the name theReapers™ or Fierce, but have decided on the clan name, Valor. The way that it is when I'm clan leader is that I don't settle for anything else then being #1, therefore I assure you, with patience and good auditory skills from each clanny we will be #1 really quickly, and if not from the start. Now many of you know me on these forums, and I'm real close friends with most of you, but no matter if you are my cousin or my best buddy, I will not be giving you clan if you just ask me... therefore, the people who want to join, have to apply to these forums. I'm telling you right now, if I as much have heard from someone that you've cheated/scammed/hacked before, you will be rejected right away, so for those of you out there that have played illegally before, don't even bother.

Valor Forums