Ok guys. I Just started over after about half a year break from wow. My 4th warlock to 70 now. I'm just looking if there is anyone on these forums thats like a guild main,. Because most of my friends I used to play with quit, so I'm pretty much stuck lol. I could transfer to your server, and I'm going to be attuned for Kara this weekend.
Basically looking for a really good guild, that can help me get geared up.

Little back ground:
I was GM of the top guild on crushridge for about 1.5 years. Pre BC we were one of first guilds to down everything, naxx, bwl, mc, ony. In BC, had kara on farm, and doing gruul and mag. As a warlock, I was the highest dps in most of the raids we did, so I could definitely be a good edition to any raiding guild

Just message me, let me know who you are, and whats going on. I'm looking forward to some raiding with you guys