For consistency purposes, we have updated the forum rules. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with them and address any questions or concerns to the forum staff. These rules are subject to change at any time and final review is at the discretion of the forum staff.

1. New members must have accumulated 50 posts AND 90 days since joining before creating a new thread in market sections. Forum members may not make a topic for someone else or sell someone else's items.

2. Forum members must not share their accounts with anyone. A ban will be given to both or all the accounts in question.

3. No flaming or topic hijacking. Forum members will be warned first, then temporarily or permanently banned.

4. Creating a new forum account to bypass a ban. will result in a permanent ban of all accounts.

5. No spamming posts. Forum members will be warned first, then temporarily or permanently banned and have their post count reset to 0.

6. Forum members must include proof when posting cheater topics in the opening post (screenshots, MSN conversations, PayPal chargeback screenshots, etc); without sufficient proof the topic will be closed and the matter cancelled. Forum staff will not investigate scam accusastions.

7. No advertising of third-party websites for personal gain, including posting URLs or other links.

8. Do not post sensitive information. (account info, cheats, hacks, names/addresses, etc). If necessary, forum members should PM a forum staff member with this information.

9. All signatures should be no larger than 400x200 and must only be text/banner. Large signatures will be removed without warning.

10. All posts must be in English. - this is an international forum.

This is a very needed topic created by Souls in cooperation with The Real PlodeZ. Thank you very much. ^^