ok basically i do every fuckin thing thats related to making a signature(avy, banner, WHATEVER) but there're some rules.

1- nothing related to ko i'm basically freakin sick of making sigs with ko characters.

2- provide a stock, and tell me what you want. if u don't, and if i spent the time to make a sig and if u don't like/use it.. well screw u.

3- i would appreciate if you credit me when you use the sig. if u don't.. imma think twice about helping u again h43r:

4- basically i'm the only one doing these so if i don't complete as fast- WAIT. patience is a virtue.

5- i don't mind pro-PS assistants who're too free and are eager to help. just pm me and we'll see how it works out.

6- 1 sig request is allowed every 2 weeks for each member.

7- NEW RULE: only for usage on THIS forum