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Metal Gear Solid series...

This is a discussion on Metal Gear Solid series... within the Consoles forums, part of the Games category; Well, whats the difference? Different plot in Substance? Better gameplay?? I know Substance was released after Sons of Liberty, though ...
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  1. #1


    Well, whats the difference? Different plot in Substance? Better gameplay??
    I know Substance was released after Sons of Liberty, though I'm still not sure which I need to understand the story better, and eventually getting myself ready for MGS4..

    I just finished both MGS and MGS:Twin Snakes and it was a horrible waste of time. Twin snakes looks better yet much easier, and I enjoyed MGS much more.. It was the excast same story, only few changes making the game easier :\

    Oh and one final question. MGS3: Subsistance; or MGS3: Snake eater? Which to get? Same story once again? Thanks..

  2. #2
    Banned Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Kanata eh?


    All that they add in the newer versions is only a few things, ofc there is no change to the story line, graphics might be up'd some but thats about it. I think MGS2 ( or 3 ) came with an online mode but thats already been taken down. If you take a quick look online i'm pretty sure some sites will tell you whats the difference between the two


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