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The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation

This is a discussion on The Zeitgeist Movement: Orientation Presentation within the Media forums, part of the Off Topic category; highly recommend to anyone interested in making this world a better place this presentation quiet interesting. take your time ...
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  1. #1


    highly recommend to anyone interested in making this world a better place
    this presentation quiet interesting. take your time watching it

    Enjoy And Join the Movement if your willing to do something about it!

  2. #2


    Thats pretty interesting , thanks for sharing.

    On a side note i did a little calculating , turns out the average american has over 175.000 dollars in debt . Reality is going to hit hard the U.S. in the near future.

  3. #3


    Thats pretty interesting , thanks for sharing.

    On a side note i did a little calculating , turns out the average american has over 175.000 dollars in debt . Reality is going to hit hard the U.S. in the near future.[/b]
    it has already hit ... and not only to americans its happening all over the world

    and most people are just standing by and watching doing nothing

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    your TV


    Zeitgeist. A religion.

    I like Zeitgeist movie, especially the part with the world trade center. But reading this, makes me wonder.

    How they can say, that religion is false, that one as well and that one, while saying how it is correct to be?

    When a serial killer is caught, most people jump up and down and scream for the death of that person. This is backwards. A truly sane society, which understands what we are and how our value systems are created, would take the individual and learn the reasons behind his or her violent actions.[/b]
    Who said "taking the individual and learn the reasons behind his/her violent actions" is the correct thing to do?
    They give you an opinion, based on many complicated words and you think automatically: "Hey, these guys are serious."
    In turn, it is our personal actions everyday of our lives that mold and perpetuate the social systems we have in place. Yet, paradoxically, it is also our environmental influences which create our perspectives and hence world views.[/b]
    There is one thing in the human being, that they didn't think off: Egoism. (Me)

    In that text you can read and see, that they say both, the social system and the individual person have to change simultaneously. Honestly? That wont happen. And in that case the individual person comes back to himself, the ego.
    What comes right after the person? The person's opinion.
    Opinion? Oh yea. That's the thing Zeitgeist gives you right? It gives you an opinion, which you might not share, but it is written so well and you can't resist?

    Does that remember us to something?
    I think about religions.

    The Zeitgeist movie.
    Did you ever thought about what you saw there?

    You can see, 2 of 3 topics in the movie are based on speculations. They might have good arguments, but it's still speculations. And the third topic is for a "Normal" person just boring. Even I, who is going to be a banker, didn't pay much attention to the third part.
    Again, they (Zeitgeist guys) give you an opinion with very much information in short time and your brain just gives in and believes the shit it just heard.

    Ever tried to sell things, which are actually difficult to sell?
    You do the SAME THING like these guys, just with another topic.

    My suggestion, do not believe all the things you read, hear, see. And even if you believe, take your time with that thing before you make conclusions.


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