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  • 2 Post By camaz0tz

Hall of Shame 2.0

This is a discussion on Hall of Shame 2.0 within the Hall Of Shame forums, part of the General category; So, with our new direction to try to take steps forward against scammers, and with this section being a good ...
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  1. #1
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    Default Hall of Shame 2.0

    So, with our new direction to try to take steps forward against scammers, and with this section being a good idea but not used, I've decided to revive it. This section will work together with the cheater section as a two step process for identifying scammers.

    Step 1:

    The first step is the cheaters section, where people will report scammers or people attempting to scam. If proof is provided a mod will either identify the threat or dismiss it, dismissing only if there isn't enough proof. Once the topic has become a confirmed report of a scammer we move to step 2.

    Step 2:
    The topic is then moved from the cheater section into this section. The topic title will be changed to always have an identifiable name of the scammer, usually a person's in game character or forum name, as well as their e-mail or other contact identifier. For example of a topic title: Camaz0tz - [email protected]. Name - E-mail. This will allow for ease of use of our users to search the section for people to see if someone is a scammer.

    With this new change(revival), this section will once again be a place to quickly identify known scammers.

    One thing I do want to warn users of is that this section is not the ONLY source of scammer information. Please check the cheater section as well and above all use your head when trading with other people. The security of your transactions lies solely with you. If you aren't careful and aren't taking every precaution, then you are asking to be scammed.
    LambOfGod and Vice like this.

  2. #2
    Just do it Senior Member thing's Avatar
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    If it's a two step process, and one requires the use of the other, why not make the Hall of Shame a Subforum of the Cheater forum?

  3. #3
    (\/) (;,,;) (\/) Why not Zoidberg? Admin camaz0tz's Avatar
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    Mainly because Hall of Shame should stand out, not be buried away. Might change it later, but people notice the main sections more than the sub sections.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    With this new change(revival)

  5. #5
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