lvl 45 now, solo barbarian but I kill pretty fast.

I've been repeating Belial over and over on nightmare and each run usually takes 5 mins and makes around 3.5k. Is it better to just run around and try to find the mini bosses. I made quite alot of easy money just doing the small dungeons near the cathedral y'day but its kinda boring doing the same thing over and over. Auction house still seems the best way for me to make some cash, paid 7.5k for what to me at lvl 44 is an uber powerful 1h weapon earlier and sold it less than 10 mins later for 70k :P but it dont always work like. I think a good option would be to be able to cancel the items you have in the auction house or atleast make it for 24 hrs and not 48hrs. In 48hrs alot can change and I keep having to NPC way better items than I've got up in the auction house.

Never got a single rare from any of the bosses so far. Not even from diablo on normal. Just unlucky I guess and all the rares I do get are ofc not for the class I play.