well atm its still in the proccess of lvling
atm i got
Rappy +8
shell set +7
iron set
2 heros valors +1
2 +12str/1hp earrings
this is on cwest
what should i change?
im thinking of getting wp +2/3
give ur opinions
This is a discussion on My RLB Warrior within the Class Questions and Tips forums, part of the Game Questions & Tips category; well atm its still in the proccess of lvling
atm i got
Rappy +8
shell set +7
iron set
2 ...
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well atm its still in the proccess of lvling
atm i got
Rappy +8
shell set +7
iron set
2 heros valors +1
2 +12str/1hp earrings
this is on cwest
what should i change?
im thinking of getting wp +2/3
give ur opinions
I woould keep IN and try to get String of Skulls +2. And improve yours earings to +14/+16
well if u can get a WP +3 then I would have taken that, atherwise go whith a sos +2 or sumthing like it to boost youre ap
Well wp +3 will cost a lot and i thikn sos+2 would help him more![]()
I agree, take sos +2
i prefer a weapon def belt and a WP+3 with warrior....
you dont really need the extra weapon def as much, and with wp the resists + hp + str are all handy...
so imo keep the IB and get a wp+2/3
Both are near in prices but was Slayer said, I prefer a weapon defense belt.
Like people said before, I'd rather take a wp 2/3 with IB then Iron set, because wp2 gives really decent str/resis. And the extra weapon defence isn't really needed in RLB when I used to play there. and if you go for the Iron Set, then you can better replace 1 earring for a we +2 or something so you still have some resistence
I'd get fovs better ac and wont lost as much resist ( not sure about prices tho, try and get a fov+2/+1 )
sell your IN and get a WP+3 if you can, or a WP+2
rest are fine :P
hero valors to roc +1 and hv +1,iron neck,string of skulls +1/+2
try do tank/hp/ap nicely balanced build not just pure def,ap what you are going to do now...
you need lots of hp too^^
str earrings i would change to minotaur earrings or warrior earrings +1/+2
get sos+2 and iron neck best things for warrior. believe me wp3 sucks lol
warriors need more wep def then defence stats. so go with sos2 and iron neck good luck
On C-West the price of SoS is insane.. i saw a +0 for 6 GB.. what will a +1 , +2 cost then?