S> assasin 81lvl 36% 13,5k nps xD
preferably with items coz they are sealed
weapons: shard +7rev 105 ap
CHD +5 rev
assasin dagger +3/mp abs xD
Krowaz chest and pads +7/12 dex
rest chitins +8/15dex
2x hr+1 (+0)
rol and LB +0
old skele belt
old elf belt
old warrior pendant
Trash: armor and helmet valkiria voucher
6gb in cash
49lvl pet
17k ibex premium hp pots
11k crisis mana premium pots
6k hp mp pots form dc prem
200 each enhance weap n armor scrols form dc prem
S>warrior 78lvl 6k nps (70k in clan)
II+5 rev
warrior shell set +5/15 str
we+1 and pe +1
iron set
roc +1 and roc +0
Preferably i would like to do it with W.U. but trused ppl can deal with paypal.
Just to make everything clear, 1st i get cash then u get acc due to huge number of scams now... I can log on, make screens or movie, ofc i have all info and payment history.