officially goin new server not coming bk need items on new server or prem.
ill post the chars soon
ill give u a screen shot of anyitem u need 2 c.
also selling over 400gold bars on manes for stuff on ronark
most of this is sealed so u need gold prem 2 unseal it.
has valk set 20ac helmet 200hp body.
rouge name mateuszthebadcomboer
dcz char lvl 59 9*% 145+k np
hp is 1489 mp 18** ap 1210 maxed ac update soon
has all stuff for master quest
items are 2x shard +7 enion bow +6(111ap)
full set chitin+7, 2xre, wp, elf belt, 2x dex +9 rings
dd+7 helmet
warrior name mateusz lvl 58 most quest done
update hp and mp soon
full chitin +7 str and hp, glave +8, str accesories all +9 but pendent uses wp from rouge
has full undying set max hp bout 5.5k with chitin set
all items for master also(lycan pendent, lupus pendent, lobo pendent)
and has dol+7
dd+7 helmet
bp name ikillallhaters lvl 35
toto club +7 str and hp set +8
uses same accesories as warrior
has chitin +7 int and hp set also if u want 2 make it int
dd+3 paper helmetand chitin +7 dd helmet
inn has tons of random shit in it jewels and stuff.
post here or pm me if anyquestions or consers i will have some1 that will supervise this a middleman.
of your choise but needs 2 b a trusted trade dude. id pefer some1 like a forum mod.
if i think of anything else to add to this when i check chars ill add.
only items on ronark no other post plz.
u will hear alot of shit bout me but im not lookin 2 scam any1 i got a lvl 55sin now looking promising there.
i cant give u ncs but mayb ppl will know its not me playing and if u get lots of pms saying shit 2 u
just say its new person on account. they will stop after a while i hope for ur sake.