Well, don't know if its that great, but i was thinking about that.
The live with k2 staff gave me this idea.
Why don't k2 make some channels on mIRC with channels as #kodiez for diez gm, #koares etc ..
And ask their gm to go there when they are online.
Whenever someone catch koxper(s), he can report him(them), and gms don't have to scout all servers, seeking after those.
When we got screens about someone showing raptor+9 or rol+3, we can easely show them the screen and tell them on what serv they are, so they can check him.
If we got a problem about hack/rollback/whatever or an ingame question, we can ask gms directly.
We all know that alot (MOST imo) have been done because of people that had msn contact with that gm and asked him to check this one or that one or report this bug etc.. But those are few ones.
K2 will be closer to their costumers and isn't that what we all want? An efficient customer support !
Let me know your ideas/thought about it, and maybe this topic should go to "Questions to k2", im not sure, but i know some gms read this forum so maybe could they think about it ?