just curious, if you sell something via paypal, with all the recent paypal scams, do you complete the deal just after you see the money on your account or do you wait until the transaction status is 'completed' (i thought the answer was obvious)?

what i mean is im selling gbs via paypal now, and i politely suggested we (me and the buyer) should wait for the status to become 'completed' which may take some time and then trade the ingame coins. the buyer refuses to go by these rules saying he aint sending money and waitin 3 days to get his ingame coins. i mean come on, if you're sendin someone the $ first anyway, what fukin difference does it make if you get scammed instantly or after three days?

i aint no scammer, but i aint gonna let anyone do a charge back and scam me that easy either.

how does you paypal transaction look like? isnt this a hiperinflationed market rule in this game that the seller gets the money first and then sells his goods? correct me if im wrong but, i thought it was. i have made multiple trades this way, as a buyer as well and i accept the risk cuz thats the way it works unfortunately. you just have to be careful who you trade with

discuss pls.