Quote Originally Posted by Bl4nqooo View Post
Hi all,

2 weeks ago i got hacked on c-west, then i noticed i had a keylogger in a thing but nothing happend on kronos, i cleaned all my pc changed pass and everything.

now yesterday i buy platinum premium, today i login and everything on kronos is gone.. i just spended 180 euros on plat and 45gb... cause i was coming back and wanted to up my items a bit... everything is gone even the sealed stuff WTF is this ?

Ooh yea and my pc is 100% clean, the only sharer that had my seal, is goomerman, blacki so i dont have any proof but only my toughts..

i might be bored the rest of my life but i will never ever play this game again, i lost arround 350$ on cwest 2 weeks ago...

Now today i lost over 500$... so no more ko for me. thnx everyone i played with, and goomerman if you did it read this and understand that you should give it back.. PLEASE i tought we were friends..

forgot to say, the bad thing is, i wanted to change seal yesterday before i was going 2 sleep, but 5minues after the 30gb trade my internet was gone,,, farcing ISP stopped it cause something was wrong, whole street didnt have any net.,,

Just did some couting, i lost atleast 465$ on GB's/items... + the fresh plat / kc + every time you put in + account etc.. so yea farced:S

S> lvl 80 mage kronos fast!! i can sell it for like 200$ so i atleast can get some money back...
Selling a hacked account, AWSOME ILL BUY IT.