This is a discussion on Servers are UP ! ! ! go go go gooooo within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; ...
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I was in the game , set up skillbars , buffed, got close to boss and DC.
and fix fukin FT
There is a new patch apparently, i was able to get onto the website and the latest news was New Patch Released. So unless they are talking about 1461© or w/e there is a new patch but, i tried to click the link and now i cant go on the website anymore
aint that the old patch they made last night ?
Yeah, im back on the site now and it is 1461©. My Bad
w/e's going on i'm sure it's gunna improve this game 100%
LMFAO yeah right
I think this has to with Power-Up Store. Something about nation transfer, server side.
Originally posted by Helseth+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Helseth)</div><!--QuoteBegin-Babau put them up? :rollseyes: :P[/b]no1 asked me how I knew 5 min before it is up that it would go up
muahahahahha ... @ at sig (giff) .... lol xd xd xd
Guys ive been on the website of ko for a sec
and there is a new patch yes
Doubt it logos, i think they just gonna fix smth else
i hope koxp i cant level annymore every spot is taken by thos retards
Helseth your sig gif thingie pwnz