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Things K2 should have included in FD

This is a discussion on Things K2 should have included in FD within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; I think they should have made a foes list as well next to ur friends list so u can put ...
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  1. #1

    Default Things K2 should have included in FD

    I think they should have made a foes list as well next to ur friends list so u can put all those KSing and scammer idiots on the foe list and give them hell whenever they are online
    Post stuff u think would be cool to have in FD

  2. #2


    probably be easier to make a turk list. (puts on flame resist talia)

  3. #3


    Originally posted by wraith86
    probably be easier to make a turk list. (puts on flame resist talia)
    I feel like that some days even tho I spent 4 years in Istanbul (Turkey), and I can talk a lil Turkish. But on the other hand Ive met some real nice guys from Turkey so yeh cant say I agree 100 % but about 70% :P

  4. #4


    heh i think they shulda changed the drop thingy.. like when a monster dies and u disband from party, u cannot get the box, or when u open the box and disband from party u cannot get the drop... drops in a party should be random and not in an order.. faggots loot noob stuff on ur turn and good stuff on theirs -_- also they shuld really fix dupes... eslant shouldnt be 60+, DM back in cz... easier to get high class items... lots.. <_<

  5. #5


    I always wanted to see a Shaula or Bach of the same size of Sama T_T

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by zetazeta
    heh i think they shulda changed the drop thingy.. like when a monster dies and u disband from party, u cannot get the box, or when u open the box and disband from party u cannot get the drop... drops in a party should be random and not in an order.. faggots loot noob stuff on ur turn and good stuff on theirs *-_- *also they shuld really fix dupes... eslant shouldnt be 60+, DM back in cz... easier to get high class items... lots.. *<_<
    i would prefer eslant as 55+ or 50+, coz lots of ppl use noob chars for healing/rezzing/draining etc in bosses.

  7. #7
    SuperRajiv The Spasian ResserGD's Avatar
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    AAANNNDDD its a bitch 2 level dcz chars in emc cos of all the KS :rollseyes:

  8. #8
    sub is offline
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    i agree with the looting issue, also randoms can't rez u without u getting a box saying do u want to be rezzed. I hate getting 4stoned by a random when i have a 30stone resser on its way to me.

  9. #9


    Originally posted by zetazeta
    heh i think they shulda changed the drop thingy.. like when a monster dies and u disband from party, u cannot get the box, or when u open the box and disband from party u cannot get the drop... drops in a party should be random and not in an order.. faggots loot noob stuff on ur turn and good stuff on theirs *-_- *also they shuld really fix dupes... eslant shouldnt be 60+, DM back in cz... easier to get high class items... lots.. *<_<
    Im happy with eslant being 60 + coz in KE noobs used to lure to town all the time.
    Wasnt able to leave ur char in merchant there for like 10 minutes without being afraid that ull find ur char sucking the dust lol.
    Especially with bosses noobs lure them to town they get hit by guards and no drop :angry:

  10. #10
    420 Senior Member karysa's Avatar
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    Originally posted by kangs+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kangs)</div>
    heh i think they shulda changed the drop thingy.. like when a monster dies and u disband from party, u cannot get the box, or when u open the box and disband from party u cannot get the drop... drops in a party should be random and not in an order.. faggots loot noob stuff on ur turn and good stuff on theirs *-_- *also they shuld really fix dupes... eslant shouldnt be 60+, DM back in cz... easier to get high class items... lots.. *<_<
    Im happy with eslant being 60 + coz in KE noobs used to lure to town all the time.
    Wasnt able to leave ur char in merchant there for like 10 minutes without being afraid that ull find ur char sucking the dust lol.
    Especially with bosses noobs lure them to town they get hit by guards and no drop :angry:[/b]

    Im happy with it because I don't see 60+ ksing people on noob mobs like ash knights anymore.

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by kangs+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kangs)</div>
    heh i think they shulda changed the drop thingy.. like when a monster dies and u disband from party, u cannot get the box, or when u open the box and disband from party u cannot get the drop... drops in a party should be random and not in an order.. faggots loot noob stuff on ur turn and good stuff on theirs *-_- *also they shuld really fix dupes... eslant shouldnt be 60+, DM back in cz... easier to get high class items... lots.. *<_<
    Im happy with eslant being 60 + coz in KE noobs used to lure to town all the time.
    Wasnt able to leave ur char in merchant there for like 10 minutes without being afraid that ull find ur char sucking the dust lol.
    Especially with bosses noobs lure them to town they get hit by guards and no drop :angry:[/b]
    never happened to me that i died in eslant town.
    eslant's mobs arent even agro when they arent in their spawns.

  12. #12


    And yeh no more hackers with their runing arrow shower

  13. #13


    They should've included naked chicks. Or even better, a nudie-carwash, but instead of a car we'd have horses to compliment the spirit of the game. So yeah, horses&chicks missing

  14. #14
    To punish and enslave Senior Member Magyk's Avatar
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    I would have been happy with bug-free KE. Comoon, most of u havent even seen KE with all of its feautures.

    In FD, maybe some new cool siege event.

  15. #15


    Originally posted by mason_cro
    They should've included naked chicks. Or even better, a nudie-carwash, but instead of a car we'd have horses to compliment the spirit of the game. So yeah, horses&chicks missing
    Yeah man thats the shit

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