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Will K2

This is a discussion on Will K2 within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Ban you for having a +10 weap? I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to ...
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  1. #1

    Default Will K2

    Ban you for having a +10 weap? I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to go to +10 right? The chances might be low but so are chances of winning the lottery yet people win almost every month. So if I'm running around with a white weapon can I expect a ban?

  2. #2


    u answerd ur own question
    ive seen +10 stilletos =/

    verry unlikely to make +10 high class item if thats what ur asking -.-


  3. #3


    That post was pretty fucking pointless.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Will K2

    Originally posted by WhyAreYouAngry
    Ban you for having a +10 weap? *I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to go to +10 right? *The chances might be low but so are chances of winning the lottery yet people win almost every month. *So if I'm running around with a white weapon can I expect a ban?
    it isn't possible LEGITLY... unless u have more than 200 back up or scrolles 100% to +7, +8,+9,+10.... and that's not a legit way...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Will K2

    Originally posted by Cadence96+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cadence96)</div>
    Ban you for having a +10 weap? *I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to go to +10 right? *The chances might be low but so are chances of winning the lottery yet people win almost every month. *So if I'm running around with a white weapon can I expect a ban?
    it isn't possible LEGITLY... unless u have more than 200 back up or scrolles 100% to +7, +8,+9,+10.... and that's not a legit way...[/b]

    Like I said, the chances are slim to none but without doubt there is that slim part which might allow it to go to +10.

  6. #6


    it i sPOSSIBLE legitly, many people make +9 of the noob +8 weapons, 10 of them + a few trinas or a few more - i bet you could get 1 to go... not to mention, +8->+9 with trina isn't a terrible percent, and if i had 5 md+9 lets say, i would get 5 trina and try all 5 to +10

    imagine like a 130+ ap dagger..

  7. #7


    seen +10 stilletos so its posible and not likely to get any high clas item to 10

    low class is likely to go 10 with a few dozen try of 9's many more 8's for shure =/

  8. #8


    What if I had a Shard +10?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Will K2

    Originally posted by WhyAreYouAngry+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(WhyAreYouAngry)</div>
    Originally posted by Cadence96@

    Ban you for having a +10 weap? *I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to go to +10 right? *The chances might be low but so are chances of winning the lottery yet people win almost every month. *So if I'm running around with a white weapon can I expect a ban?
    it isn't possible LEGITLY... unless u have more than 200 back up or scrolles 100% to +7, +8,+9,+10.... and that's not a legit way...

    Like I said, the chances are slim to none but without doubt there is that slim part which might allow it to go to +10.[/b]
    yes... but would be a lot of coincidence if the +10 item is like shard, raptor, shell...

  10. #10


    I know it's low, just wonderin if K2 will ban for it though.

  11. #11


    people are stupid, "OMG ITZ IMPOSSIBELX ZLZLY", think abuot it, ur saying its impossible unless you have 200 backups, THEN ITS STILL NOT IMPOSSIBLE. 1 out of that 200 could go, what if it was the first one?? upgrading is never impossible in this game, u can easily fluke out and make one first try, breaking stuff prior has nothing to do with it.

  12. #12


    Originally posted by WhyAreYouAngry
    I know it's low, just wonderin if K2 will ban for it though.
    well, if u gotta SS of it, then we'll answer
    show shrd10 pls

  13. #13


    Originally posted by evenson
    people are stupid, "OMG ITZ IMPOSSIBELX ZLZLY", think abuot it, ur saying its impossible unless you have 200 backups, THEN ITS STILL NOT IMPOSSIBLE. 1 out of that 200 could go, what if it was the first one?? upgrading is never impossible in this game, u can easily fluke out and make one first try, breaking stuff prior has nothing to do with it.
    Originally posted by Cadence96+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cadence96)</div>
    Originally posted by WhyAreYouAngry@
    Ban you for having a +10 weap? *I mean, if it wasn't possible why would they even allow it to go to +10 right? *The chances might be low but so are chances of winning the lottery yet people win almost every month. *So if I'm running around with a white weapon can I expect a ban?
    it isn't possible LEGITLY... (unless u have MORE than 200 back up or scrolles 100% to +7, +8,+9,+10) <---- and that's not a legit way...[/b]

    I know it's low, just wonderin if K2 will ban for it though.
    if u can proove u did it legitly then there's no reason to worry... if u want to try take lots of SS in anvil or turn on the fraps...

  14. #14


    Possible? Maybe slightly...

    But think about it you just made a Shard+9...pff who needs that so you try to go to +10? You need to be very drunk for that.

  15. #15


    Diez server.

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